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1 How can I Help?

Welcome to the first of many blog posts on my new website! I am beyond excited for this and I hope it is here to help writers and to give some form of entertainment for my viewers. I just want to give you a run down of what is to expected on this blog.

I shall be giving out writing techniques and tips but in between this I will be doing a little bit of reporting myself on the World Super Bikes Championship and the Moto GP when the season starts.

So for my first post, I'll be giving out some advice for the first time writers. These are things I have learnt and been advised myself.

So Number 1-

Don't be afraid to get your work out there, even amongst your family. It is worth asking for their opinion, even if they aren't forthcoming with the answers and you might feel like they are just trying to make you feel better, or don't want to criticise. Take every work they say, all the good things they say because those words will help you get through the times you might face against harsher critics and bad reviews. Always remember the good things, take the bad things as a critique, something you can work on or something you might back to change.

Number 2-

I didn't use this tool, but how to write books are a writer's friend. They are there to advise, like me, not to order or demand on your writing style or your preferred genre. They help us to understand how writing works and the lines there to guide us through the twisted roads of writing. There is a wide range of books out there to help on different topics, it is okay not to understand something. It took me years to understand speech punctuation, where does the comma go, is it meant to be a full stop? Don't be ashamed to admit you don't know something there are so many ways we can learn. Most importantly, if you find something you don't understand, don't give up, look for things to help you. Read other books, they will have clues on the style choices you cam make and they ways you put words on to the page.

Number 3-

Don't be afraid to try new things. If you read something that inspires you in any way shape or form, try it out and see how it goes. Even if the genre is different to what you think you're good at, or the topic is out of your league. Just give it ago anyway. These aren't the things that you have to perfect if the ideas don't come together still save them, whether they are handwritten or electronic, save them somewhere they will help in future projects. There will be something of use in there somewhere when you really need the inspiration.

So these are my three tips of the day. If there is anything you wish to ask about these or there is something else you want to ask, don't be afraid to ask!

Thank you and happy writing!

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