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Race - Halfling 
Class - Ranger 

Dungeons and Dragons is a table top game, for anyone who doesn't already know. It brings together creative thought and game play, none of it would be possible without the amazing Dungeon Masters. 


I have never played before and had such a great experience just building my characters. As you can see there are two.

Race - Elf (Wood)
Class - Cleric 

Strength: 7 (-2) 

Dexterity: 18 (+4) 

Constitution: 11 (0)

Intelligence: 9 (-1)

Wisdom: 14 (+2)

Charisma: 13 (+1) 

Here is my female Wood Elf. After leaving her home land there is nothing in the world she wants more than knowledge. To her knowledge is the ultimate power. She is a tall beautiful elf who is easily distracted by the promise of knowledge and information. However, she does know the only way to survive is to fight, so she is handy with a short sword and cross  bow. She lives in a world called Draconia, and has recently joined with a miss match group of explorers and adventures. They have joined the Serial Thrillers Investigation department.

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